Whether to have sex during pregnancy is a question in the mind of many pregnant women. In fact, as long as the pregnant woman and the fetus develop normally and healthy, they can maintain normal sexual behavior during pregnancy. Intimate physical contact can even reduce prenatal depression. When should pregnant women avoid sex during pregnancy? Here are your must-read DO's and DON'Ts for having sex while pregnant.
Many couples are extra cautious during pregnancy, greatly reducing or even completely avoiding sexual activity, worrying that too much force during sexual activity will harm the fetus. In addition, there are also sayings that they cannot have sex before the 3rd month of pregnancy.
In fact, pregnant women are prone to embryo implantation instability in the first 3 months of pregnancy. In addition, morning sickness and nausea symptoms are often more serious during this stage, and the body is prone to discomfort. Therefore, it may not be suitable for sexual behavior. After 3 months, pregnant women and fetus's development is normal and healthy, and normal sex can be maintained during pregnancy. The situations that are not suitable for sexual behavior during pregnancy include:
If there is no morning sickness in early pregnancy, various sex positions can be adopted until the abdomen bulges in the second trimester. During sex, pressure on the abdomen should be avoided, and the movements should not be too violent. In the late pregnancy, the abdomen swells, and pregnant women may experience back pain and increased pressure in the lower abdomen. At this stage, pregnant women can have sex while lying on their sides to reduce stress. Other ways to satisfy their sexual desires is through non-penetrative sex such as touching, massaging, and caressing. Partners may ultilise fingers or sex toys to this effect.
Safe positions during pregnancy:
Due to the weakened immunity and weak resistance of pregnant women during pregnancy, they are more prone to urinary tract infection or vaginal infection. The use of condoms is recommended for partners that may be suffering from undiagnosed or frank sexually transmitted disease or is not in a monogamous relationship.
Positions and behaviors to avoid:
If you experience bleeding, water breakage, or discomfort during pregnancy, stop having sex and seek medical attention immediately.
Maintaining an active sexual life during pregnancy is good for both the pregnant woman and her husband. Libido in women increases in pregnancy due to the increased hormone secretion and pelvic cavity and vaginal congestion after pregnancy, women often have a great increase in libido. It is very beneficial to relieve pregnancy discomfort and tension:
Some pregnant women worry that sexual arousal will cause uterine contraction and affect the fetus, but in fact, if the pregnant woman has no history of premature labor and miscarriage, orgasm will only cause temporary hypoxia to the fetus and will not affect the fetus.
If the fetus is developing normally and healthy, normal sexual behaviour can be maintained during pregnancy. If you have questions about sexual behaviour during pregnancy, consult your family doctor or obstetrician.
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