Flu Vaccine at OT&P
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Location & Booking

Where are OT&P clinics located?
Do you have direct billing with insurance companies? Do you take insurance cards?
Is there a waiting list to register with OT&P medical practice?
I’m relocating to Hong Kong. Can I come and see your Clinic?
Do you perform school/work/insurance medicals?

Consultations & Prescriptions

How long are the consultations?
Will OT&P doctors follow overseas vaccination programmes?
Can I get the same drugs I have been prescribed from the UK or other countries?
Do you have vaccines for MMR / HPV / Hep B / chickenpox?
Do you have contraception devices? (e.g. coils, Mirena, Nexplanon implants, pills, injections, etc.)


Do you have Western / British / Australian / English-speaking doctors?
Do you have a doctor who can look after children?
Do you have female doctors who can perform well-women checks?
Do you have specialist doctors? (e.g. obstetricians, gynaecologists, dermatologists, sports injury doctors)
Do you have physiotherapists/osteopaths/ naturopaths?
Can your doctors assist in the hospital should I need surgery?

Have a question?

Please email us at if you have any enquiries.

Book an Appointment