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Gascon, formulated with the active ingredient dimeticone (dimethicone) (also known as simethicone), is an over-the-counter medication primarily used for the symptomatic relief of gas and bloating in the digestive system.

Last Modified: 23 Jul 2024

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What is Gascon?   

Gascon, formulated with the active ingredient dimeticone (dimethicone) (also known as simethicone), is an over-the-counter medication primarily used for the symptomatic relief of gas and bloating in the digestive system. Dimeticone works by reducing the surface tension of gas bubbles, causing them to combine and allowing easier passage and elimination from the body. 

Gascon's formulation includes dimeticone as a silicone-based compound, which is inert and not absorbed by the body, making it a safe choice for managing gas symptoms. 


Global Names

  • Generic name: Dimeticone/Simethicone 
  • Brand names: Mylicon, Gas-X, Phazyme, and Gascon. 


What is Gascon used for? 

Gascon is effectively used to treat conditions and symptoms including: 

  • Excessive gas in the stomach and intestines 
  • Bloating 
  • Discomfort from gas 
  • Indigestion related to gas accumulation.

How do you use Gascon? 


Gascon is available in chewable tablets, capsules, and liquid form. 

Dosage information:

  • Adults and Children 12 years and older: Typically, 40-125 mg four times a day after meals and at bedtime. 
  • Children under 12 years: Dosage should be determined by a healthcare provider. 

Are the following suitable to take the drug: Children, adults, elderlies? 

  • Children: Yes, under dosage guidance. 
  • Adults: Yes 
  • Elderlies: Yes 
  • Pregnancy: Generally considered safe but should be used under medical advice. 
  • Lactation: Safe to use as it is not absorbed by the body. 

Is there anyone who can’t take Gascon? 

  • Children: Not recommended for infants unless prescribed. 
  • Adults: Those allergic to dimeticone should avoid it. 
  • Elderlies: No specific restrictions unless advised by a healthcare provider. 
  • Pregnancy: Consult with a healthcare provider before use. 
  • Lactation: Considered safe as dimeticone is not absorbed by the body. 

Allergies: Individuals allergic to dimeticone or any other components of Gascon should not use it. 

Warnings and Precautions:

Drug and Food/Beverage Interactions

  • Gascon does not typically interact with other medications because it is not absorbed into the bloodstream. 
  • There are no specific conditions where Gascon should not be used unless an individual is allergic to its ingredients. 

Side Effects

Gascon is generally well-tolerated with minimal to no side effects due to its non-absorbable nature.

Pharmacist Tips

Storage information: 

  • Keep in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. 

Handling instructions: 

  • Follow the labeled instructions for the appropriate dosage. 
  • Shake the liquid form well before use. 



Where is Gascon available in Hong Kong?

Gascon is an over-the-counter (OTC) medication that can be sold without a prescription. It is found in all chain drug stores, including Mannings and Watsons. 



Can Gascon be taken daily?  

Yes, Gascon can be taken daily as directed for managing gas and bloating. 

How quickly does Gascon work? 

Gascon starts working within minutes to an hour after ingestion, depending on the form taken. 

Can Gascon be taken with other digestive medications? 

Yes, Gascon can be safely taken with other digestive medications as it does not interact with them. 

Is Gascon suitable for pregnant women? 

This comprehensive guide to Gascon with dimeticone should help users effectively manage gastrointestinal discomfort while ensuring safe usage. 

This website provides content related to drug use and medicine for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Do not use the information on this website to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified healthcare provider. The website's owners and contributors are not liable for any repercussions, adverse effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any medication or information provided herein.

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