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Flu Vaccine at OT&P


Otrivin is a nasal decongestant that provides relief from nasal congestion due to colds, allergies, and sinusitis.

Last Modified: 18 Jul 2024

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What is Otrivin?   

Otrivin is a nasal decongestant that provides relief from nasal congestion due to colds, allergies, and sinusitis. The active ingredient in Otrivin is xylometazoline hydrochloride, which helps to reduce nasal swelling and congestion by constricting blood vessels in the nasal passages. 

Global Name

  • Generic Name: Xylometazoline Hydrochloride 
  • Brand Names: Otrivin, Otrivine, and Xymelin 


What is Otrivin used for? 

Otrivin is primarily used to alleviate nasal congestion and the symptoms associated with: 

  • Common colds 
  • Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) 
  • Sinusitis 

How do you use Otrivin? 


Otrivin is available in various forms including nasal sprays, nasal drops, and nasal gel.

Dosage information:

  • Adults and children over 12 years: Use 2-3 drops or sprays in each nostril up to three times daily. 
  • Children 6 to 12 years: Use 1-2 drops or sprays in each nostril up to twice daily. 

Are the following suitable to take the drug: Children, adults, elderlies? 

  • Children: Suitable for children above 6 years under adult supervision. 
  • Adults: Suitable for adults, but should be used with caution in adults with severe cardiovascular diseases, best to consult a healthcare provider for advice.  
  • Elderlies: Can be used by elderly patients; however, they should consult a healthcare provider if they have underlying health conditions and taking multiple medications. 

Is there anyone who can’t take Otrivin? 

  • Children: Not recommended for children under 6 years. 

Allergies: Individuals allergic to xylometazoline or any components of the preparation (excipients) should not use Otrivin. 


Warnings and Precautions:

  • Consult a healthcare provider if symptoms persist. 
  • Do not use for more than 7 consecutive days to avoid rebound congestion. 
  • Take after meals to avoid any potential gastrointestinal discomfort. 

Drug and Food/Beverage Interactions

  • Avoid concurrent use with other decongestants. 
  • Contraindicated in individuals with narrow-angle glaucoma and severe cardiovascular diseases. 

Side Effects

Common side effects include temporary burning, stinging, dryness in the nose, and sneezing. Severe reactions are rare but can include heart palpitations or increased blood pressure. 

Pharmacist Tips

Storage information:

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. 
Handling instructions:

Wash hands before and after use. Do not share the nasal applicator. 



Where is Otrivin available in Hong Kong?

Otrivin is an over-the-counter (OTC) medication that can be sold without a prescription. It is found in all chain drug stores, including Mannings and Watsons. 



How quickly does Otrivin work?

Otrivin starts to work within minutes of application, providing quick relief from nasal congestion. 

Can Otrivin be used for blocked ears? 

Otrivin is not indicated for the treatment of ear blockage and should not be used as an ear drop; consult a healthcare provider for appropriate treatment.

Is Otrivin addictive?

Otrivin is not addictive but should not be used for more than 7 consecutive days to avoid rebound congestion.

Can I use Otrivin with antihistamines? 

Yes, Otrivin can be used in conjunction with antihistamines for comprehensive allergy symptom relief. Always check with a healthcare provider before starting new medications.

This website provides content related to drug use and medicine for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Do not use the information on this website to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified healthcare provider. The website's owners and contributors are not liable for any repercussions, adverse effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any medication or information provided herein.

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