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Tetracycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic utilized for treating a variety of bacterial infections.

Last Modified: 25 Jul 2024

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What is Tetracycline?   

Tetracycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic utilized for treating a variety of bacterial infections. It falls under the tetracycline antibiotics class, which inhibit bacteria growth by preventing bacterial protein synthesis. The primary ingredient in Tetracycline is tetracycline hydrochloride, a compound effective against numerous gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Global Name

  • Generic name: Tetracycline hydrochloride 
  • Brand names: Sumycin, Tetracap, Actisite, Tetracyn. 


What is Tetracycline used for? 

Tetracycline treats several conditions, including: 

  • Acne 
  • Urinary tract infections 
  • Intestinal infections 
  • Respiratory tract infections 
  • Eye infections 
  • Gonorrhea 
  • Chlamydia 
  • Syphilis 
  • Periodontitis (gum disease) 
  • Malaria 
  • Typhus 
  • Lyme disease 


How do you use Tetracycline? 


Tetracycline is available in capsule, tablet, and topical forms. 

Dosage information:

  • Adults: 250-500 mg taken every 6 hours, preferably on an empty stomach. 
  • Children above 8 years: 25-50 mg/kg of body weight per day in divided doses. 

Are the following suitable to take the drug: Children, adults, elderlies? 

  • Children: Suitable for children above 8 years due to risks of permanent teeth discoloration. 
  • Adults: Yes 
  • Elderlies: Yes, with possible dose adjustments. 
  • Pregnancy: Not recommended. 
  • Lactation: Not recommended. 

Is there anyone who can’t take Tetracycline? 

  • Children: Under 8 years old. 
  • Adults: Those with allergies to tetracycline. 
  • Elderlies: Caution advised, may require dosage adjustments. 
  • Pregnancy: Contraindicated. 
  • Lactation: Contraindicated. 

Allergies: Those allergic to tetracycline or any component of the formulation should avoid it. 


Warnings and Precautions:

  • Avoid direct sunlight or UV light exposure. Tetracycline can cause increased sensitivity to the effects of sunlight and/or UV light. 
  • Impacts on bone and teeth development in children and fetuses; may also cause discoloration of the enamel. 
  • Take on an empty stomach for improved absorption.

Drug and Food/Beverage Interactions

  • Should not be taken with dairy products as they can impair absorption. 
  • Interacts with blood thinners and penicillin. 
  • Avoid in severe liver impairment cases. 

Side Effects

Potential side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, and increased risk of photosensitivity. 

Pharmacist Tips

Storage information: 

  • Store at room temperature away from moisture and direct sunlight. 

Handling instructions: 

  • Consume with a full glass of water to avoid irritation of the esophagus. 
  • Avoid lying down immediately after taking the medication. 



Where is Tetracycline available in Hong Kong?

Tetracycline is a prescription medication that can be prescribed by healthcare providers. 



How should Tetracycline be taken to ensure best absorption?  

Take it on an empty stomach, either 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. 

What if I miss a dose of Tetracycline? 

It is recommended to take Frusemide in the morning to avoid disturbing sleep with frequent urination. 

Does Tetracycline affect birth control efficacy? 

Yes, it may decrease the effectiveness of some birth control pills. Consider using additional contraceptive measures. 

When will I see improvement from taking Tetracycline? 

Improvement generally occurs within a few days, but make sure to complete the full prescribed course even if symptoms improve early. 


This comprehensive guide on Tetracycline covers everything from its mechanism to proper usage tips, ensuring effective treatment and management of infections. 

This website provides content related to drug use and medicine for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Do not use the information on this website to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified healthcare provider. The website's owners and contributors are not liable for any repercussions, adverse effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any medication or information provided herein.

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