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Paediatrician Tips: Fever in Babies & Children

Fever in children and babies is scary for parents, and many may not fully understand the various fever management methods discussed publicly. Previously, paediatrician Dr Chantel Ng shared the causes and precautions for fever in babies. This time, we’ll clarify some common misconceptions about managing fever in babies and children. 

Clarifying Misconceptions About Fever in Babies and Children 

Does Fever Damage the Brain? 

Many parents worry that fever can damage their child’s brain. In reality, fever is a normal response to infection and does not directly cause brain damage. Unless the fever is caused by a brain infection (e.g., meningitis), it is not harmful to the brain. 

Should You Immediately Lower a Child’s Temperature When They Have a Fever? 

Many parents believe they must immediately reduce a child’s body temperature when they have a fever. Dr Chantel Ng explains that fever above 39°C often causes discomfort and may require treatment to lower the temperature, otherwise it’s not always necessary to use fever-reducing medication immediately. 

Is It Better to Avoid Fever Medication for Babies and Children? 

If your child is uncomfortable due to fever or has a high temperature (e.g., over 39°C), fever-reducing medications should be considered. Paediatricians commonly prescribe ibuprofen and paracetamol for this purpose. However, aspirin should not be given to children under 16, and ibuprofen should not be used for infants under 3 months or weighing less than 5 kg. Always follow your paediatrician’s advice when administering medication. 

If My Baby Has a Fever, When Should I Visit a Doctor? 

  • For infants under 3 months old: A temperature of 38°C or higher requires immediate medical care and maybe even admission. 
  • For a baby under 6 months old: It’s best to consult a doctor, especially if the fever lasts more than 3 days or the temperature exceeds 39°C 
  • If you have symptoms like difficulty breathing, vomiting, or seizures you should seek immediate medical attention

Can Babies Take a Shower When They Have Fever?

Babies with a fever can shower with luke warm water instead of cold water. A warm bath can help lower the temperature and soothe discomfort; the water should not be too cold to avoid causing chills. 

What Should Babies Eat When They Have a Fever? 

During a fever, a baby’s appetite may decrease. You can increase feeding frequency and reduce the amount per feeding. Avoid giving difficult to digest foods. 

Can Fever Cause Seizures?

Children under 6 may experience febrile seizures during high fevers. These are convulsions triggered by fever and usually last only a few minutes. Febrile seizures typically do not cause long-term harm if short lasting. If a baby or child has a febrile seizure, seek medical attention immediately. 

What to Do When Your Baby Has a Fever

Fever is common in children and babies but usually resolves within 3 to 4 days. Parents should regularly monitor their child’s temperature and give them fever medication as directed by a doctor. See a doctor as soon as possible for babies under 6 months old with a fever. 

When caring for a feverish baby or child at home, consider these tips from paediatricians: 


✓ Ensure adequate hydration and watch for signs of dehydration (e.g., decreased wet diapers, sunken eyes, no tears when crying). If dehydration occurs, seek medical attention immediately

 ✓ Check on your child’s condition regularly, even at night

 ✓ Keep feverish children at home to rest; avoid sending them to school or daycare

 ✓ Avoid difficult-to-digest foods

 ✓ Consider giving fever medication as directed by a doctor. If unsure, consult a registered pharmacist or doctor


✖ Avoid undressing the baby, using cold water, or rubbing alcohol to cool them down, as this can cause shivering. 

✖ Do not bundle the baby in heavy clothing or blankets to “sweat it out,” as this hinders heat dissipation. 

✖ Do not give aspirin to children under 16. 

✖     Do not give ibuprofen to infants under 3 months or weighing less than 5 kg. 


Paediatricians explain that brain damage only occurs if the fever is caused by a brain-related illness like meningitis, with fever being just one of the symptoms. Ensuring adequate hydration and rest usually helps the body recover from mild to moderate fever. If the fever persists or is high, seek medical attention promptly to prevent complications. 

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7. 台灣小兒神經醫學會. 腦膜炎及腦炎. Retrieved May 23, 2024. from

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9. HelloDoctor. What Are Normal Pediatric Vital Signs? An Essential Guide for Parents. Retrieved May 23, 2024. from

10. Verywell Health. All Kinds of Fever Reducers. Retrieved May 23, 2024. from

Topics: Paediatrics

Dr. Chantel Ng

Dr. Chantel Ng




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