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Long-term Effects of COVID-19
(Long Covid)

Welcome to our Long Covid resource centre. As with our COVID-19 communications, we have compiled ongoing evidence-based research and information regarding the condition.

If you are aware of helpful research or literature in this field we would be very grateful for your input at

If you're suffering from any of the symptoms described in this resource centre, feel free to contact our Long Covid concierge who can help you determine what the best approach will be for you.


About Long Covid

As we continue to learn more about COVID-19, we are just beginning to understand the long-term effects of the infection.

Long Covid is a multisystem, inflammatory condition where COVID-19 symptoms continue to linger months beyond the initial illness, or new systems develop weeks or months after the acute infection has subsided[1].

Symptoms may include debilitating fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and exercise intolerance, among many others[2]. The World Health Organisation estimates that there have been more than 200 symptoms reported in patients[3].

Although the understanding of Long Covid is still in its infancy, the research suggests that the condition is widespread[4]. The UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) found that 13.7% of Covid positive people reported at least one symptom after twelve weeks based on a cohort of 20’000[5].

A small study of 30 discharged patients in Hong Kong led by City University suggested that 80% of patients had at least one persistent symptom at six months after infection and one-third of patients had more than three symptoms at six months[4].


Long Covid Classifications

According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), to effectively diagnose, treat and manage a condition, it needs to be defined and distinguished from other conditions[6].

The following classification system has been developed in the UK, with a similar model put in place by the NIH in the US:

  • 4 Weeks
  • 4-12 Weeks
  • 12+ Weeks
  • Long Covid

Acute COVID-19

Symptoms of COVID‑19 for up to 4 weeks.

Ongoing COVID-19

Symptoms of COVID‑19 from 4 weeks up to 12 weeks.

Post Covid / Post Acute Covid Syndrome (US)

Symptoms of COVID-19 last 12+ weeks while the possibility of an alternative underlying disease is also being assessed.

Long Covid

Symptoms that continue or develop after acute, ongoing and post COVID-19, and can’t be explained by an alternative diagnosis.

Who is More Likely to Get Long Covid?

Unlike acute infection survival rates, Long Covid affects people of all ages, including children and young people[7].

Research so far suggests that Long Covid disproportionately affects women, consistent with autoimmune conditions like chronic Lyme disease [8].


Current Long Covid Theories

Post-viral illnesses aren’t a new phenomenon, there have been links between viral infection and some form of post-viral fatigue, for example, SARS in 2003. In Hong Kong, a study amongst SARS survivors found that over 40% of respondents reported a chronic fatigue problem 40 months after infection[9]. Similarly, in the Middle-Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) outbreak, prolonged symptoms and fatigue were reported up to 18 months after acute infection[10].

There are broadly three different theories, which are not mutually exclusive, for the prevalence of Long Covid:

  1. The persistence of Sars-Cov-2 viral infection or viral debris
  2. Autoimmune reactions to the primary viral trigger
  3. Ongoing inflammatory reaction

Unfortunately, the lack of a single specific test makes the diagnosis of Long Covid challenging. Current treatment globally is based on managing the specific symptoms individual patients are experiencing.


patient getting information on Long Covid


Post-acute COVID-19 Sequelae and Diagnostic Tools

Cognitive Function / Neurological Symptoms
Cardiovascular Symptoms
Gastrointestinal Symptoms
Psychological Symptoms
Respiratory Symptoms
Renal Symptoms

Potential Treatments for Long Covid

Long Covid is a growing problem worldwide. Here we look at some potential treatments based on the likely mechanisms of Long Covid such as inflammation and poor nutrition. This is not a treatment plan, please seek the advice of a healthcare practitioner before starting any treatment for Long Covid.

If you're suffering from any of the symptoms described in this resource centre, feel free to contact our Long Covid concierge who can help you determine what the best approach will be for you.


Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia (POTS)
Natural Anti-Inflammatories
Psychotropic Medications
Re-Purposed Drugs

Long Covid Knowledge Centre

Below we include the academic references to papers discussed in this document, in addition to external resources and support groups.

General Long Covid Research and Summary Papers
Investigations for Long Covid
Clinical Manifestations of Long Covid
Potential Treatments for Long Covid
Long Covid in Children

If you are aware of helpful research or literature in this field we would be very grateful for your suggestions at

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