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Understand Your Longevity Potential

This 5-minute quiz will help you identify areas where you excel and areas with room for improvement.

Longevity Survey

This quiz is designed to assess your current lifestyle choices in relation to longevity-enhancing practices. Your answers will provide insight into which aspects of your life could benefit from adjustments to support a healthier, longer life.

Disclaimer: This quiz is NOT intended for medical advice, diagnosis, or prognosis. The results are for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a professional healthcare provider. Always consult your medical doctor for medical advice and before making any major health-related decisions.

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Nutrition and Metabolism Physical Well-being Mental Well-being Preventive Health


How frequently do you consume sugary foods and drinks?

Approximately how many grams of protein do you consume daily?

How often do you include vegetables, salads, or high-fibre foods in your meals?

Metabolic Health

How regularly do you monitor your blood sugar levels?

How well do you know your cholesterol and blood pressure levels?

How often do you get tested for metabolic health markers like lipid profiles or HbA1c?

Physical Activity

How often do you engage in resistance training?

How frequently do you perform cardiovascular exercises each week (i.e treadmill running)?

How often do you engage in flexibility or balance activities like yoga, Pilates, or tai chi?

Sleep and Recovery

How many hours of sleep do you typically get per night?

How regularly do you practise stress management techniques?

How often do you feel fully rested after sleeping?

Longevity Awareness

What is your VO2max level? (Measured in ml/kg/min)

What is your grip strength?

What is your typical Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) score? (Measured in kcal/day)

Cognitive Function

How often do you engage in mentally stimulating activities such as chess, crosswords, and pleasurable reading?

How frequently do you participate in social activities that involve engaging with others?

How regularly do you learn new skills or hobbies that challenge your thinking such as gardening, dance, cooking, and scrapbooking?

Preventive Healthcare

How often do you undergo comprehensive health screenings that include blood tests, blood pressure measurement, and other clinical assessments?

How familiar are you with your family's medical history?

How proactive are you in getting vaccinations and preventative treatments?

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