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Health news from OT&P: Information you can trust
OT&P continues to invest in technology and process improvement. Our Digital App is the latest example of OT&P enabling patients to maintain and improve their health. It boasts a personalised and seamless booking process that makes it easy to track and manage individual and family healthcare needs whilst providing industry leading health information. We have, and always will, deliver our services with quality of the highest standards.
Link your wearable technology to the app to integrate with your health records. Track your progress against health goals agreed with your OT&P practitioner.
Link your insurance details to our app to enable a seamless direct billing process.
Get notifications when your prescriptions are due for renewal.
Existing telehealth solutions will be integrated into the App
This advanced technology enables the electronic delivery of laboratory results, recall letters and patient referrals to patients anywhere in the world, allowing for access on the go.
Link your wearable technology to the app to integrate with your health records. Track your progress against health goals agreed with your OT&P practitioner.
Link your insurance details to our app to enable a seamless direct billing process.
Get notifications when your prescriptions are due for renewal.
Existing telehealth solutions will be integrated into the App
This advanced technology enables the electronic delivery of laboratory results, recall letters and patient referrals to patients anywhere in the world, allowing for access on the go.
Link your wearable technology to the app to integrate with your health records. Track your progress against health goals agreed with your OT&P practitioner.
Link your insurance details to our app to enable a seamless direct billing process.
Get notifications when your prescriptions are due for renewal.
With a commitment to invest in technology and process, we strive to hire the best doctors and take on challenges to increase the availability of our services to many more patients in Hong Kong. We have, and always will, deliver our services with uncompromising quality at the highest standards.