Flu Vaccine at OT&P
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Clinic For Mental Health

Much like physical health, we believe that everyone should take proactive care of their own mental health.

Feeling happy, sad, tired, listless, energised, enthusiastic, disappointed, anxious and scared are all normal human emotions. Here at MindWorX, we aim to help you not only when you’re feeling down, anxious or scared, but also to boost and improve your performance and learn more about your own identity, abilities and blind spots. Our team of psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors and therapists will support you along the way at every stage of this journey, whether this is in Cantonese, English, Mandarin or Japanese.

How are you feeling today?

Take a quiz to find out about your current emotional state!

How can we help you?

Learn more about each condition



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Individual Therapy


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Mental Health Resources


Corporate Mental Health

At OT&P, we recognise that well-being and performance go hand in hand. Our corporate programme aims to provide businesses with the essential tools to guarantee the mental and physical welfare of their staff. We do so by putting a large emphasis on baselining where our clients are through stakeholder interviews and mental health and wellness surveys. We can then create a tailored solution for your staff, empowering them with the knowledge and best practices to protect their own mental health and encourage healthy habits.

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MindWorX Workshops

Talks and workshops

We also hold regular talks and workshops that can help you enhance your understanding of mental health. These talks and workshops can be open to the public, or we could provide some bespoke services to a specific group, such as a company event. Talks that we have given in the past include:

  • Anxiety, stress and burnout
  • Mental health awareness & maintenance
  • Critical incident intervention
  • Work-life balance
  • Parenting & child psychology
  • Marriage & relationship
  • Stress management
  • Job satisfaction and career aspiration

Our Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Therapists & Counsellors

Schedule an appointment

Opening Hours

Mon, Wed & Fri: 09:00 – 18:00
Tues & Thur: 09:00 – 19:00
Saturday : 09:00 – 13:00
Public Holidays: Closed


6/F Century Square, 1 D’Aguillar Street, Central, HK
