美國糖尿病協會建議63%心肌梗塞導致的心臟病發個案,可透過適當的預防措施避免這情況發生。1 事實上, 加拿大家庭醫生學院發現,94%的家庭醫生相信每年進行身體檢查有助促進預防性保健和確保醫生與病人關係良好。2
年度身體檢查如此重要,究竟進行身體檢查時需要注意甚麼? 誰需要身體檢查? 你為甚麼要考慮購買? 這篇文章將為你解答以上和其他相關問題。 讓我們開始吧!
是否需要進行身體檢查視乎你選擇甚麼醫療機構、年紀和健康狀況而異,但是在理想的情況下, 所有年滿18歲的人應每1-5年進行1次身體檢查。
健康狀況良好的年輕成年人毋須經常進行身體檢查。但是隨著年紀增長,便要頻繁一點進行身體檢查。美國密切根大學的研究人員發現,即使是頂級運動員和馬拉松跑手,他們的肌肉韌度也會在40歲後下降。3-4 年紀增長也會影響心臟功能。研究證實,心臟和肺部功能會隨年紀增長而衰退。5-6 因此,隨著年紀愈大,進行定期身體檢查是至關重要。
OT&P領康醫療身體檢查計劃 |
如欲了解更多身體檢查計劃會涵蓋甚麼項目和應怎樣準備,你可在我們的身體檢查計劃頁面瀏覽我們的免費電子書和 and檢查前預備清單(只限英文版本)!OT&P領康醫療也推出了Platinum 醫療計劃,涵蓋超過 80項檢查服務。
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1. Kahn R, et al. (2008). 'The impact of prevention on reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease'. National Institutes of Health. Aug 31. Available at:<https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18663233/>
2. Karl Iglar, et al.(2008).' Complete health checkup for adults.' National Institutes of Health. Available at:<https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2329902/>
3. Faulkner JA, Larkin LM, Claflin DR, Brooks SV. (2007). 'Age-related changes in the structure and function of skeletal muscles'. National Institutes of Health. Available at:<https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17880359/>
4. Liao EY1, Wu XP, Deng XG et al. (2002). 'Age-related bone mineral density, accumulated bone loss rate and prevalence of osteoporosis at multiple skeletal sites in Chinese women'. National Institutes of Health. Aug 13. Available at:<https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12181627/>
5. Kampen WU, Tillmann B. (1998). 'Age-related changes in the articular cartilage of human sacroiliac joint.' National Institutes of Health. Available at:<https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9833689/>
6. Marcus Carlsson, Ruslana Andersson, Karin Markenroth Bloch. (2012). 'Cardiac output and cardiac index measured with cardiovascular magnetic resonance in healthy subjects, elite athletes and patients with congestive heart failure.' National Institutes of Health. July 28. Available at:<https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22839436/>
7. SG Sazlina. (2015). 'Health screening for older people—what are the current recommendations?'. National Institutes of Health. Available at:<https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4567887/>
8. Richard Birtwhistle, et al. (2017). 'Periodic preventive health visits: a more appropriate approach to delivering preventive services'. National Institutes of Health. Available at:<https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5685441/>
9. Suka M, et al. (2009). 'Effect of annual health checkups on medical expenditures in Japanese middle-aged workers'. National Institutes of Health. Available at:<https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19359897/>
10. (2014). 'Saving lives, averting costs'. Incisive Health for Cancer Research UK. Available at:<https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/sites/default/files/saving_lives_averting_costs.pdf>